Business Rates constitute one of the largest outgoings for commercial property occupiers and owners like you. We provide a comprehensive service to a wide range of clients across the UK with the simple aim of minimising your liabilities and generating maximum savings through the appeal process.
Whether you are a landlord with empty property or an occupier being charged excessive amounts in rates by the local authority, our team of rating specialists will be happy to review your property and advise the best way to mitigate your annual business rates liability.
Landlord Services:
- Brokering nil assessments following demolition, refurbishment work, change of use or obsolescence
- Empty property advice and the design of strategies to minimise the liability of vacant and un-let properties
- Ongoing rates management of your property portfolios
- Providing rates liability estimates for un-assessed properties or potential future acquisitions
- Liaising with the VOA to reconfigure rating assessments following demise splits or mergers.
Occupier Services:
- Serving and negotiating appeals to reduce the amount you pay in business rates
- Negotiating refunds with the Billing Authority
- Negotiating temporary reductions following changes in circumstances, such as adjacent building work disturbances, flooding, the detrimental impact of COVID-19 and the subsequent restrictions on movement and occupation of certain property types, fire damage, and road closures
- Representing clients before the Valuation Tribunal and Upper Chamber where appropriate
- Applications for reliefs and exemptions such as Empty Property Relief and Small Business Rates Relief
- Historic payment audits to check whether you have been charged correctly both currently and historically
- Providing annual rate liability budgets for future planning
Serviced-Office Provider Services:
- Providing a bespoke strategy to mitigate your business rates liabilities for serviced office providers
- Serving and negotiating appeals to split rating assessment into multiple assessments
- Liaising with local authorities, informing them of changes in occupation and voids
- Claiming Small Business Rates Relief (SBRR) on behalf of all eligible occupiers
- Claiming Empty Rates Relief following occupier vacations
- Approving or rejecting business rates demands for payment
- Requesting all credit balances are refunded
- Providing regular tenancy master schedule updates
- Providing annual rates liability budgets for the forthcoming financial year